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google logo是什么意思 google logo是什么

时间:2018-01-25    来源:388g热点

  google logo是什么意思 google logo是什么?如今我们遇到不懂的词语都会选择在网上查询,这样不用去麻烦别人,自己就能学会。那么google logo是什么意思呢?下面就让小编为你解答,我们还整理了更多相关知识。

google logo

  google logo



  中文:Google商标;英语:Google logo;法语:Logo de Google;

  google logo 双语例句

  1. Google has released a special misspelt version of itslogoapparently to mark 11 years since the company was founded.


  2.Googlehas released a special misspelt version of itslogo– apparently to mark 11 years since the company was founded.


  3. 50Th Anniversary Of TheLogoBrick, Explain anniversary, Explain building blocks, still have a few words need not I was translated, originalGooGleis to celebrate happy tall building blocks 50 years, accumulate knag it seems that it seems that,LOGOchanges, did not concern with our stationmaster, be not actually also, fromGooGleis a petty action of this kind of big company to telling we and when does all present this argument?

  50th anniversary of the logo brick,解释周年,解释积木,还有几个单词就不用我翻译了吧,原来GooGle是为了庆祝乐高积木50周年,看起来似乎积木节,LOGO更换,都与我们站长没有关系,其实非也,从GooGle这类大公司的一个小动作难道不是在告诉我们与时俱进这个道理?

  4. YesterdayGooglehas changed theirlogoand placed Apples on it.


  5. The author remembers be in 2004 the left and right sides, the market proportion ofGoogleand Baidu is not very great disparity, cannot saying is to deuce the world, but most at least also calculates going up is to be on same scratch line, the netizens when the author still remembers becoming callGooglekindly dog dog (this renown date was used by fast thunder grab now, but the earliest beGoogleof big guy appearance, what a website that holds out fire calls dogginess at that time of and so on, can make theLOGOof copyGooglestyle, what write below is dog dog) useGoogleis absent a few, especially stationmaster people very like be happy to believe withGoogle(now also is, stationmaster friends still prefer to useGoogle, common netizen is used to Baidu).


  6. Google has the tradition of changing itslogofor all important days and also region/country wise.


  7. Later on that day,Googlereleased a permanentGooglePac-Man site, due to the popular user demand for the playablelogo.


google logo

  google logo

  8. When Lee returned to Seattle, he was greeted by a huge box ofGoogleswag, including a basketball, a chair, and a coin-operated gumball machine with aGooglelogo.


  9. Google's August29thlogocelebrated Michael Jackson's birthday a couple of months after his death.


  10. Google has always used itslogoas a way of commemorating important historical dates and major world events, but has become increasingly playful in recent weeks.


  11. A good deal more people are likely to be alerted thanks toGoogle's day-long adaptation of their main pagelogoto aGoogleDoodle in honour of the event.


  google logo 单语例句

  1. A woman works on her computer as thelogoof web search engineGoogleis seen on the wall.

  上述内容就是关于google logo是什么意思的介绍,看完后你理解这个词了吗,希望对你有帮助,如果你还想了解更多关于单词的解释,就收藏我们网站吧。



google keep 谷歌官方发布的一款云笔记应用

很多人生活中都有写笔记的习惯,但是随着时代的进步,写笔记的习惯开始被写微博日记、QQ日志、微信朋友圈的形式所取代,但是这些方式都有很多的不足。而google keep就可以满足你的需求了。下面就由小编介绍一下google keep吧。

google g2 由阿诺德·施瓦辛格代言

google g2是第二款采用Android系统平台的智能手机,对这款手机不了解又感到十分有兴趣的朋友们不要着急,下面不妨随着小编的脚步一起来了解一下google g2的特点以及操作界面等内容吧。

google g3 有什么优势

google g3指的其实就是HTC Hero,是第三代谷歌手机,所以也被称之为google g3。那么各位爱好研究手机的朋友们你们是否知道google g3的优势等内容呢?好奇的话不妨随着小编的脚步一起来了解一下吧。

google nexus 一种智能型设备系列

Google Nexus是由Google提供一种基于安卓操作系统的智能型设备系列。不知道各位平日里对Google有关注的朋友们是否了解过google nexus呢?好奇的朋友们不妨随着小编一起来看看google nexus到底是什么吧。

google nexus one 拥有触摸屏操作方式

相信每个朋友都知道google,但更多的朋友们定义都为全球最大的搜索引擎,不知道google公司也有手机。今天,小编就要带着各位朋友们一起来了解一下google nexus one这款手机,好奇的朋友们赶紧随着小编一起来看看吧。

Google人工智能系统新战绩 随小编来看看

Google人工智能系统新战绩 随小编来看看 :周三,Google 旗下一研究团队宣布,他们开发了一套人工智能系统,可以自主理解和操作游戏,而且其水平分分钟超越人类游戏高手。

google 中国重新上线谷歌地图

纵观2017年,google 中国已经拉开了重返中国的帷幕,并带着前进的技术和人才进入中国市场,这不得不说是个热门的话题。对中国来说好事吗?本文将告诉您与google 中国相关的详细内容,我们一起来看看吧!

LG多款Google TV终Android 4.2.2升级成功 随小编一起来看看吧

LG多款Google TV终Android 4.2.2升级成功 随小编一起来看看吧:LG曾经承诺将在五月份(或更迟)对自己生产的Google TV进行Android 4 2 2的固件更新,而在10月份的现在,这次更新终于到来。