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时间:2018-05-18    来源:388g热点

  易烊千玺首支英文单曲叫什么?据悉TFBoys组合当中的易烊千玺新歌上线,这首歌曲是一首英文歌曲,名字是Nothing to Lose,中文意思大致为义无反顾。这首英文歌曲由跨越太平洋的团队进行打造,制作当极其豪华,同时易烊千玺也是参与到歌词的谱写当中,易烊千玺才华满满。




  Nothing to Lose (义无反顾) - 易烊千玺

  I know exactly what to do

  You make these dreams come true

  And you've been there through and through

  So that's why I sing to you like

  (Ah ah) I won't I won't I won't stop now

  (Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

  My heart only beats for you

  I got a lot of things to prove

  I would travel to the moon

  If you be there with me too like

  (Ah ah) I won't I won't I won't stop now

  (Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose


  Shooting for the stars shooting for the stars


  We made it this far we made it this far

  (Ah ah) I won't I won't I won't stop now

  (Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

  I'm steady making these moves

  I'm steady making these moves

  I got nothing nothing nothing to lose







易烊千玺代言阿迪达斯 气质很出众

易烊千玺代言阿迪达斯 气质很出众:今天,阿迪达斯neo宣布和国内超人气小鲜肉易烊千玺合作,易烊千玺成为了阿迪达斯neo首位全球青年创意官,而11月28日恰恰是易烊千玺17岁的生日。

解析《亲爱的客栈》见习工易烊千玺走了 第二位飞行嘉宾是谁

解析《亲爱的客栈》见习工易烊千玺走了 第二位飞行嘉宾是谁:湖南卫视新综艺《亲爱的客栈》再一次创造了好的口碑,常驻嘉宾刘涛、王珂、阚清子、纪凌尘、陈翔各有各的优点,首期飞行嘉宾易烊千玺也带给大家众多的感动。

亲爱的客栈第二期神秘人是谁 解析易烊千玺是固定嘉宾吗

亲爱的客栈第二期神秘人是谁 解析易烊千玺是固定嘉宾吗:亲爱的客栈已经不播出第一期了,收视率攀升,和《向往的生活》一样,每一期都会有嘉宾加入,而第一期的义工就是易烊千玺啦,但是第二期又迎来了一个神秘的人,那么他的身份是谁呢?

易烊千玺17岁生日 黄子韬送去了他的祝福

易烊千玺17岁生日 黄子韬送去了他的祝福:TFboy成员虽然已经单飞了,但是不得不说他们现在在娱乐圈的影响力很大,11月28日是易烊千玺17岁的生日,感觉整个娱乐圈的明星都来给易烊千玺送17岁生日祝福了!周迅、黄晓明、Angelababy、雷佳音、大张伟、周一围、韩庚、黄子韬、纪凌尘、窦骁、赵丽颖、周冬雨都送上了祝福!而黄子韬的祝福最令人深刻,下面一起来了解一下详情。

易烊千玺喜欢什么样的女人 看完就知道了

易烊千玺喜欢什么样的女人 看完就知道了:说到易烊千玺相信很多人都知道吧,如今易烊千玺17岁了,很多人都想知道易烊千玺喜欢什么类型的女孩子,现在就跟小编一起看看易烊千玺理想型女孩是什么样子的吧。



